Desert Rats 1940 – 1942


Desert Rats 1940-42

System: Great Battles 1939-1945 (WB-95)

Complexity: medium

Scale: brigade-regiment

Boards: 2 x 50/70 cm, 1 x 45/42 cm

Scenarios: 8

Description: The Italian attack on Egypt at 1940 opened the new front of the World War II. Over the next three years north Africa’s deserts became a place of the many fierce battles. Joining the action by the German troops provided the Axis some successes. But the Allies weren’t willing to give up an initiative and launched further counterattacks. The game contains following scenarios: Italian Blitzkrieg, Compass I and II, Rommel’s Attack, Brevity, Battleaxe, Crusader and Gazala. Most of the scenarios are short with very limited number of the units, so each regiment and each brigade are very important and even a single unit may decide on the victory or loss. A desert battlefield guarantees a lot of maneuvers with limited options of creating a static lines of defense.